King of Pops Blog

3 Fun (& Inclusive) Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day in the Office

Written by Ali Mills | Jan 30, 2019 4:30:00 PM

It’s February. Love is in the air! Coworker love is a bit different than the typical Valentine’s hype, here are some tips on how to be thoughtful and inclusive to your employees around Valentine’s Day!

  • Secret Cupid Exchange
    • We always think of Secret Santa or other gift exchanges in line with traditional December holidays. Why not mix it up the week leading up to Valentine’s Day by leaving little treats for coworkers around the office? After choosing names, everyone leaves their person a small treat each day of the week, followed by a larger gift (with a dollar limit) on February 14!
  • What I Love About You
    • If you don’t want to ask employees to spend money, consider a compliment or praise exchange at the office. You can put up a big cork board (or something similar) in your break room or reception area, where everyone has the chance to write something nice about a coworker for the whole office to see. It’s a great way to create warm and cozy vibes, especially around Valentine’s Day. Kick it up a notch by printing out pre-made Valentine’s cards for folks to show some professional love.
  • Potluck Love
    • Doesn’t every family have an old recipe that’s made with love? This year on Valentine’s Day, host an office potluck, where everyone brings in a recipe that includes the most important ingredient: Love. Think outside the box of red velvet and chocolate treats, and create some dishes to warm the heart. Bring it to the next level by having folks bring in recipe cards so the dishes can be recreated at home!

This Valentine’s Day is the time to show your employees and coworkers that you really care by going above and beyond in the office. Let’s bring the magic of an elementary school Valentine’s Party into the workplace!